Who may attend?
Those who have completed the Gestalt Training Program (96 hours).
The participant commits to attending all 8 practicum sessions between September and May.
What is Practicum?
The practicum groups consist of 4, 8 or 12 participants and meet for 2, 3 or 4 hours per month respectively for 8 months between October and May.
The participants are required to have completed the Gestalt Training Program.
Each participant takes the role of client and therapist twice over the course of 8 months, and the role of observer the rest of the time.
The client brings an issue that she/he is interested in working on. The task of the therapist is make use of Gestalt methodology in order to enhance skills and competence at it. The observers are given particular tasks to observe, (i.e., how the therapist is heightening awareness of the client with respect to non verbal behavior; the therapist’s process as she/he attends to the client; how the session is proceeding with respect to particular concepts in Gestalt approach).
The client and therapist work for 40 minutes, then in the following 15 minutes, the observers give data based feedback to the therapist.
One of the major benefits of the practicum is enhancing the participant’s skills at giving non-evaluative, data based feedback and receiving it.
The instructor, assuming the role of supervisor/trainor supports the learning of Gestalt methodology and empowers participants in experimenting with their growing edges as therapist and observer. The insructor gives feedback to the observrs and to the therapist. She also uses the content and process of the session to make general teaching points.
What are the benefits of Practicum?
The combination of Gestalt concepts of methodology with every day life situations,
Learning and practising giving and receiving data based constructive feedback,
Personal awareness.
How is payment done?
If payment is done in cash, it is paid on the day of the training; if deposited to the bank, the amount is due the latest a day before the training date.
Is the participant responsible of paying the fee in case of not attending?
The participant is responsible to pay the fee of a training that is missed.