Frequently Asked Questions
How is the training process structured?
Each training starts with ground building. Participants share their experiences of the previous month and they attemt to put it in a gestalt perspective.
The content is taught through didactic and experiential modalities. The training focuses on combining the theoretical material to every day issues. Training ends with an exercise structured at providing the participants an opportunity to focus on and chew what they have learned on that particular training day.
What is expected of the participants?
To read the material sent to them prior to the training.
To inform Hanna in case the material has not reached them.
To intend to be open and self-reflective in order for the exercises to be of use.
To be open to learn through others’ experiences.
To make an effort to combine the material learned with everday life situations.
Active participation, contribution and intention to learn and experience.
Keeping a diary of experiences throughout the training (for the participant’s own self).
Why is it important to attend each training?
When some trainings are missed, the following drawbacks are encountered:
Group dynamics is negatively affected (people miss what have been shared and studied)
Creates discrepancy between participants with respect to content knowledge and process experience (which affects the learning process negatively)
The exercises are planned according to specific numbers (sometimes carried out in pairs, at times in four).
What is expected of participants in relation to attendance?
To be present at each training until it ends (not to leave an hour or two early).
In case the participant is unable to attend the training, the instructor is to be informed in advance.
Why is it important to be on time?
One of the major concepts of Gestalt is “ground”. At the beginning of each training, some time is devoted to ground building. It is very important that all participants are present when this process is taking place. Trainings start at 10:30 am. Those who are late miss the previous contributions and may have difficulty adapting to the “ground”.
Is the fee of the program fixed throughout the two modules?
The fee for the eight trainings within the first module is fixed.
There usually is an increase in the fee of the second module in the rate of inflation.
Is the participant responsible of paying the fee of a training not attended?
The participant is responsible of paying the fee of all the 16 trainings.
How is payment done?
The fee of the first training is paid in full at the time of registration.
At each training day, the fee of the following trainig is paid. For example, in October, the fee of the training of November is paid.
If payment is done in cash, it is paid on the day of the training; if deposited to the bank, the amount is due the latest a day before the training date.
What is necessary for the application to the Gestalt Training Program to be completed?
A photograph,
Signed version of the application form,
Full payment of the first training day.
What happens when the registration is incomplete?
The registration of the prospective participant (which is a status gained at the end of the individual interview) is completed, with the submission of a photograph, CV, signed registration form, and payment of the total fee of the first training. The registration follows a first come first serve process. When the registration of a prospective participant is incomplete, the next prospective participant is contacted.
Interviews continue until the quota is completed (26 participants). Applications are processed according to application precedence.
Is any certificate offered at the completion of the program?
At the end of the 16th training, a certificate of attendance is offered. The certificate contains the name, content, dates, location of the program, name of instructor and the total hours attended by the particiapnt.
Are there any programs to participate after the Gestalt Training Program is completed?
Experiential Group: (betwen October and May, once a month, 3 hours, usually a Saturday morning)
Those who have completed the Gestalt Training Program (96 hours) may participate. Is formed by a minimum of 8 participants. The content covers the study of every day issues from a gestalt perspective. The dynamic of the group is also explored and studied from a gestalt perspective.
Practicum Group: (betwen October and May, once a month, 3 hours)
Those who have completed the Gestalt Training Program (96 hours) may participate. Is formed by 8 to 12 participants. Each participant becomes consultant twice, client twice and observer 4 times. The methodology of a professional interview/session is experientially learned.
Gestalt-İst Yaşam Activities
Gestalt-İst Yaşam activities are generally offered every 4 to 6 weeks. Only those who have completed Gestalt training programs or who are currently joining the programs are welcome. These activities are free of charge. Participants are only requested to contribute to the fee of the location by paying 10 TL at the entrance.
The aim of Gestalt-Ist Yaşam Activities is to provide a ground for the Gestalt training participants to get to know one another and to share knowledge, information and to build support networks.
Gestalt Training Program participants (past and current), are informed of these activities through mail, and are invited to join if the subject matter is of interest to them.
Each Gestalt Training Program participant, past and present, is welcome to offer an activity on any topic that he/she combines with Gestalt. Informing Hanna at least 2 months in advance of such an intent is adviced.